Fun in General Santos city is a blend of eco-cultural explorations and modern day thrills. Sports lovers would find time to stay and play golf either at Kalsangi Golf Course or at the Saranggani Golf Club, both clubs offer a breathtaking view of Mt. Matutum. the city has two driving ranges for a good warm up exercise.
Industrial study visits are most welcome as the city is the site of some of the country's industrial runners. From tuna canning sites to agricultural plantations, the city offers a wide range of industry to choose from. It has also one of the Southeast Asia's best fish port complexes.
Tuna Festival (September 1-5)
Kalilangan Festival ( February 21-27)
Paskuhan sa GenSan (December 1-31)
Tourist Spots
Kalaja Karst Area (Kalaja Cave/Malakong Wall)
Nopol Hills
Sansapan Cave Falls
Fish Port Complex
MSU Museum
Gen. Paulino Santos Museum
Sarangani Highlands Garden and Restaurant
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