Accommodation in Camarines Norte

Getting to Camarines Norte
There are two modes of transport that will get you from Manila to Camarines Norte, you can either catch a plane or go by bus. Flight from Manila take about 50 minutes to Daet. There are six bus lines that ply the Manila - Daet route and return. Daet is 350 kilometers from Manila and will take you approximately 7 hours. One other option is to hire a mini-van.
Hotels located in Daet, Camarines Norte

Pinoy Hotel
San Vicente Road
(054) 440-0410

Bel-Air Hotel and Resort
San Vicente Road, Lag-on
(054) 721-5319

Regine Joy Hotel
Brgy. Lag-on
(054) 721-1420/ 721-5250

Canimog Hotel
San Vicente Rd., Lag-on

Sampaguita Tourist Inn

Daet Tourist Inn

Tin-Tin Apartelle
(054) 721-4998

Daet Apartelle

Wiltan Hotel
Vinzons Ave.
(054) 721-2525/440-2525

Diamond Motor Lodge
Mercedes Road
(054) 571-2136

Villa Mila Garden and Resort
Vinzons Ave
(054) 721-5107/440-1641

Dolor Hotel
Mercedes Road
(054) 571-2693

Travellers Inn
Brgy. Mancruz
(054) 721-2993

Hebris Penthaus
Bagasbas Road
(054) 721-2373

Travellers Hotel

Iris Travel Lodge
Bagasbas Road
(054) 721-1600/605-0024

Karilagan Hotel
(054_ 721-2236/440-0561

Mines Hotel
Vinzons Ave.

Nathaniel Apartelle
San Gregorio Vill
(054) 721-1362

Milagros Hall and Apartelle
Gov. Padilla Sr. Blvd. Jose Panganiban
(054) 731-1072

Victor Hotel
183 Rizal St. J. Panganiban

Hotel Bienvenido
Padilla Sr. Blvd. Jose Panganiban
(054) 731-1072

Hotel Megastar
(054) 440-1651

Apolonia Hotel
Snyder Street, Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte
(054) 731-1762
